Home Remodeling Littleton

How to Choose the Right Color Palette for Your Home

The saying goes, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet," but would a house of a different color be as inviting?

Whether you realize it consciously or not, color is fundamental to the world around us: in nature, in fashion, in your loved one’s features, and at home. Choosing a hue can be powerful because of our personal associations with colors and how subjective our perceptions are. If you ever disagreed about the color of an object (maybe a certain dress is blue/black or white/gold), you know what we mean.

Just as your taste in clothing and type of car reflect your personality, so do the colors of your house and the rooms inside. Color psychology has the power to affect your mood, energy levels, and that of your guests.

Adam Berlin in Littleton, CO on Houzz