Maverick Home Remodeling

Back To Basements

It’s time to get “Back to Basics”.  Oops, we meant… “Back to Basements!” 

Basements are incredibly versatile and can be transformed into many different uses. It’s that space in your home that you can utilize all year round. From escaping the summer heat to enjoying cozy movie nights in the winter, basements are some of our favorite spaces to remodel because the options are endless!

Kitchen Remodel Must-Haves

2025 is all about your kitchen – it is, after all, the heart of the home. From design aesthetics to cabinets and materials to appliances, every aspect of your kitchen should exude your personality while also providing the essential functionality for you and your entire family. 

This year is the perfect year to invest in the home you have by opting for a full kitchen home remodel. Luckily, we do just that. Whether you are just looking or you’re ready to dive right into a home renovation, these are our kitchen remodel must-haves!

20 Year Recap

January 2024 officially marked 20 years in business for our Ken Caryl, Colorado based home remodeling company, Maverick Home Remodeling, Inc. We celebrated this milestone throughout the year by sharing compelling content - before and afters, favorite projects, and much more. There are a few other highlights from this year, but before we dive into those, we wanted to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you for your trust in our company, in our work, and in our team.

Fall Into Fun

We absolutely LOVE experiencing fall in Colorado. And, we aren’t alone - folks from all over the world flock to Colorado during the fall to experience all our beautiful state has to offer. From the autumn colors that blanket the majestic rocky mountains to the crisp air and fall smells, you can pack the next few months with fantastic road trips, scenic hikes, exceptional camping, and mountain town adventures.

COLORado - you see what we did there? While there are several other states in the union that boast their very own gorgeous fall spectacular, to us, there is nothing like Colorado. Perhaps it’s our altitude, or maybe it’s the simple fact that in the US there is nothing like the Rocky Mountains. Whatever you think, the Aspen’s that blanket our mountains and display the most beautiful shades of gold cannot be beat.

A few years back we shared a few of our favorite road trips around Colorado. And while these can be done at any time, we like them best during our autumn months. We’re sharing them again!

2024 Best Maverick Kitchens

WE. LOVE. KITCHENS!!!! **said in our best Oprah voice**

Okay, let’s be honest, we love bread, too! And, truth be told, we love every room in a home. But, there is just something about a kitchen, the heart of the house, that excites us! If you scroll our blog you’ll see several pieces that speak to kitchens. You want to learn about the perfect entertainer’s kitchen? You got it. Kitchen design trends? Yes. Suffice to say, we love a kitchen - and there is a reason why. As a home remodeling company located in Ken Caryl, Colorado with over 20 years in business, we know a thing or two about kitchen renovations.

Featured Remodel #2229 by Project Manager, Paul Moore

Are you someone who likes to sit in the gorgeous Colorado summer sun reading all about home remodeling projects and diving into before and after pictures? Well, do we have something for you! But before you dive in, be sure to grab your outdoor blanket, pack a picnic basket complete with mimosa’s, and head on over to your local park. Ready? Let’s dive in!

Featured Remodel #2310 by Project Manager, Chase Babcock

We figured the best way to celebrate National Home Improvement Month was to share another completed home remodeling project! And this was a FUN one!

Featured Remodel #2210 by Project Manager, Paul Moore

If you follow Maverick, you know we love to share our amazing home remodeling projects to help you feel inspired for your very own home renovations. That, and we love to celebrate the homes we renew - especially after 20 years in business! As we move into May, which just happens to be National Home Improvement Month, we have a treat to share with you - a completed home remodeling project!

Invest in the Home You Have

“Should I Stay or Should I Go?”  **enter song by English punk rock band, The Clash**

Apologies for the earworm to those who know that song!

When the idea of purchasing a new home comes to mind, investing in your current home is not always the first thought. People typically start thinking about what it would be like living in a new home, what a new neighborhood could feel like, and what features the new home may have that they’ve spent years hoping to have in their current home.

So, what’s best? Do you buy or renovate? We say, renovate!

Investing in your current home, rather than buying a new home, has incredible benefits. First and foremost, research has shown that the act of moving is more stressful than a breakup or divorce. And moving is quite likely the most stressful of all life events. For anyone who has moved, they can attest to this. So, moving to a new home is not for the faint of heart.

20 Years of Love

If you hadn’t heard quite yet, we’re celebrating 20 years in business! To help celebrate, we thought it would be a good idea to share some of our team’s favorite home remodeling projects. But before we do, we want to take a moment to say thank you.

New Year, New Home, New You!

For most, the new year is a time to change life for the better. To focus on things like a new diet to lose weight or purchase a gym membership that never actually gets used and eventually becomes a pain to get rid of. Make plans to travel to exotic destinations or focus on major upcoming life events like a wedding or graduation. But oftentimes, many skip what is most obvious for a change… one’s own home.

Fall In Love With Custom Built-ins

Imagine this. It’s a fall day, 45 degrees outside, late afternoon, with a slight mist in the air. Now that the scene is set, let’s continue on. Now, imagine lighting a fall scented candle, pouring yourself a warm cup of coffee (or perhaps a cup of warm apple cider), grabbing a blanket, snagging your favorite romance novel (or Steven King novel, if you’re into that), and snuggling up to the pillows that live in your window reading nook as part of the gorgeous custom built-ins you just had installed in your home. You’re welcome for that incredible experience! Oh, you don’t have custom built-ins? You’re missing out! But don’t fret, we’re here to help inspire you.

When you hear custom built-ins, also known as built-in cabinets or built-in furniture, you might think to yourself, “Do people have these in newer modern homes, or are they strictly for the older homes around Denver proper.”  We’re here to tell you, custom built-ins are for ALL homes of ALL ages and ALL styles. So, here’s the story...

2024 Remodeling Trends You’ll Want To Incorporate In Your Home

Last year we peered into our crystal ball and saw several fabulous nature-inspired, sustainable and multi-functional home design trends for 2023 that we were sure you’d want to steal. This year, we’re back again, but with even more! So, are you ready for some fresh new changes to your home?

Gleam your eyes below for a first look at a few of the trends that will shape home design and remodeling in 2024. Let’s dive in, shall we?

Talk Tile To Me!

Earlier this year we crafted the ultimate Beginners Guide To Flooring, which included material choices like ceramic tile, among others. But ceramic tile, as you likely know, is not only for your floors. In fact, you can get super funky, fresh, and stylish with both ceramic and porcelain tile throughout your home. And, your opportunities are endless. Tile is often seen in kitchens, bathrooms - really, any room with running water. This is due to their water resistance and incredible versatility. Most folks remain fairly traditional in their ceramic tile flooring styles, some extravagant, we like a happy medium - but we also love how creative tile has become - particularly in color, pattern, and design!

Popular Kitchen Trends of 2023 (So Far)

This past May we gave you our Popular Bathroom Trends of 2023 (So Far), so we must follow it up with the hottest kitchen remodeling trends we’ve seen thus far in 2023! Now, sit back, relax, and read on!

Earlier this year we compiled a list of 7 Kitchen Design Trends for 2023 that we expected we’d see within the several remodeling projects we had lined up. We’re happy to say, we are right on track. Now, let’s revisit, shall we?

8 Summer Home Projects That Will Make Your House Shine

Are we excited for summer in Colorado? You bet! Get ready to explore the incredible outdoors, catch up with friends, and savor the breathtaking sights of our mountains. Let's make this season one to remember! If you are looking for some inspiration, take a look at these 8 home improvement ideas, guaranteed to make your house shine:

Remodel #2130 Part II: The Progress Report by Project Manager, Paul Moore

You know we love sharing projects that INSPIRE! So we’re back with an update and completion of last month's blog, Featured In-Progress Remodel #2130.

The scope for this Littleton, Colorado project consists of a complete kitchen remodel, family room upgrade, new powder room, new large pantry, and a dream mudroom with two entrances - one from the garage and the other from the front door. After completing this project, this home is not only a new wonderful living space but now the perfect home for entertaining! So let’s do a tour…

The original plan was to open up the kitchen area as much as possible by removing a wall and allowing the existing 10-foot high ceiling to create a clear view of the family room. However, once we discovered the kitchen had a scissor truss ceiling, our opportunity for this remodel really opened up!

Scissor trusses meant none of the interior kitchen walls were load-bearing and could be removed. We adapted our initial plans, removed the existing kitchen walls and ceiling, and opened up the room.

The result is a true open concept for the entire main level, complete with 24-foot vaulted ceilings - instead of the initially planned 10 ft ones. See for yourself!

If you're not going to do it now, you're not going to do it later.

We live in an economic environment where we don't know what the next day will bring... high energy cost and crazy inflation. As we are all aware, this started partly due to the 2020 pandemic. Everyone started working from home and realized that they needed a basement finished or an office built out. Or even just wanted to get their whole house remodel knowing they would be in the house for the long term.

Know Your Limits: DIY vs Contractor

Hey, DIYers! We know you're excited to take on that home remodel project yourself. But before you grab your toolbelt, it's important to understand when it's safe to DIY (do it yourself) and when it pays off to work with an experienced contractor. Let us walk you through some popular remodels and explain when - and why - choosing a professional contractor is the way to go!

Featured In-Progress Remodel #2130 by Project Manager, Paul Moore

If you follow Maverick, you know we love to share our amazing home remodels to help you feel inspired for your very own home remodeling projects. Well, we’re back with a current home remodeling project in progress that you will love!

This home remodeling project in Littleton, Colorado, consists of a full kitchen remodel, a family room remodel, a brand new powder room, a new large pantry, and a dream mudroom with two entrances, one from the garage and the other from the front door.

The original architectural design of the house is unique, to say the least. Not only are there octagon-shaped rooms in the kitchen and family room, but there are also angles in the walls that connect to the ceiling, which drastically shortened the height of the room. Our original plan was to open up the kitchen area as much as possible by removing a wall and allowing for 10-foot high ceilings creating a clear view of the family room.

With an established goal of raising the kitchen ceilings, the demo quickly began. Well, you can imagine our surprise when we discovered a scissor truss ceiling above the kitchen!

Adam Berlin in Littleton, CO on Houzz