Today, June 25th, marks National Take Your Dog to Work Day! And while we can’t have our pups on our job sites, we CAN celebrate all of our Maverick dogs by sharing photos.
But before we all share pictures, we must first share in a laugh at Adam Berlin’s expense!
A few years back, Adam was demonstrating to one of Maverick’s project managers a tiling installation technique for a custom shower pan at one of our project job sites. Adam was on all 4's on the shower floor when all of a sudden Adam felt something wet go down the backside of his shorts. Adam spun around in shock and said to the project manager, "Did you just give me a wet willy down my shorts?!?" The project manager was laughing hysterically and couldn't even talk. All he could do is point towards the Chocolate Labrador Retriever who was casually walking out of the bathroom. Yes, the homeowner's "Lab" walked into the bathroom, stuck his tongue down Adam's plumber's crack and then leisurely walked away.
It was a sneak lick attack of the butt crack! We hope that “cracked” you up as much as it still cracks us up! The lesson here, watch that plumbers crack! 😜
Now it’s time to celebrate our pups!
Meet Zeke!
First up, Paul Moore’s hound.
Next up, meet Nick Ehler’s round of Fidos - Luna, Marley, Mavis and Olive.
Meet Turbo!
Who is next? Matt Kientz’s dog, Turbo!