Home Remodeling Company

New Year, New Home, New You!

For most, the new year is a time to change life for the better. To focus on things like a new diet to lose weight or purchase a gym membership that never actually gets used and eventually becomes a pain to get rid of. Make plans to travel to exotic destinations or focus on major upcoming life events like a wedding or graduation. But oftentimes, many skip what is most obvious for a change… one’s own home.

Spring Into Action: Your Seasonal Home Maintenance Checklist

Spring is around the corner. Nature’s reminder to renew and rejuvenate after winter. Around this time, we like to check in with ourselves since the new year. How are those resolutions… er, commitments coming along? Are we happy with the year’s progress so far?

By February/March, many people are still committing to their gym membership or new diet plans – but what about our home maintenance goals?

This is your reminder to give your home some TLC as spring unfolds. Not only will your house look better with a big spring clean, but it will boost creativity and motivation.

National Banana Bread Day & Upgrades for the Baker’s Kitchen

February 23 is National Banana Bread Day! You know the saying, a banana a day keeps the doctor at bay? And, as good neighbors who care about the community’s health, we feel a need to spread the word. To celebrate, we’re cooking up ideas for the ultimate baker’s kitchen and sharing our favorite banana bread recipes! 

(Fair warning to anyone who doesn’t find food-based puns ap-peeling: Split now. There will be bunches.)

Love to bake? The best dishes start with the right cooking space. If you want to enhance your quality of life and the value of your home, here are some remodeling design ideas for The Ultimate Baker’s Kitchen.

Renew Your Life? Renew Your Home

Picture your morning routine: You’re running late. Your kitchen is disorganized. You burn your breakfast. You rush out of the door but can’t locate your car keys…

From small changes like adding built-in storage to remodels that implement smart assistants, home improvements have the power to improve not only your home, but your quality of life.

Home is an extension of thy self in so many ways. It is our shrine - each item, handpicked, speaks of you in every way. It is where you can be 100% your authentic self. It is where the heart rests. And, your environment can greatly affect how you operate in the world. So, your home should be a place that recharges you emotionally and makes you feel happier living in it, not one that’s draining and overwhelming.

We all benefit from reevaluating ourselves and making meaningful improvements from time to time. Although pivotal moments may lead to a renewal process, renewal is not a singular event; it’s ongoing! The same is true for your home. As you evolve, so must your space to better suit your needs. And so, renewing your home will renew your life!

Remodeling Trends for 2023 You’ll Want to Steal

We’ve peered into our crystal ball and have seen home design trends for 2023. And let us tell you, the future looks BRIGHT! …and nature-inspired, sustainable and multi-functional. Are you ready for some fresh changes to your home? Get a first look at a few of the trends that will shape home design and remodeling in 2023. Let’s dive in, shall we?

Spring Time is Renew Time

Ah… the smell of spring flowers popping up from their winter runoff nourishment pales in comparison to the smell of a home remodel! We might be biased, but we definitely love the smell of spring in Colorado, too. It’s also the perfect time to begin planning your very own home remodeling project. So, grab a cup of coffee, snuggle up in your favorite comfy chair and dive into planning mode!

Adam Berlin in Littleton, CO on Houzz