Home Maintenance Checklist

Spring Into Action: Your Seasonal Home Maintenance Checklist

Spring is around the corner. Nature’s reminder to renew and rejuvenate after winter. Around this time, we like to check in with ourselves since the new year. How are those resolutions… er, commitments coming along? Are we happy with the year’s progress so far?

By February/March, many people are still committing to their gym membership or new diet plans – but what about our home maintenance goals?

This is your reminder to give your home some TLC as spring unfolds. Not only will your house look better with a big spring clean, but it will boost creativity and motivation.

Get Your House Ready For Winter

Don’t give your home maintenance the cold shoulder!

Between the snowfall outside and the holiday hustle and bustle inside, keeping your home looking and functioning great as you transition into winter months is key! Before you reach for your wreaths or start decorating the mantel, follow these steps to harden your home against harsh winter conditions.

Fall Checklist For Home Maintenance

Sweater weather is coming! And that means it’s time for your home’s seasonal maintenance. Taking steps now is key to keeping your home looking and functioning great as you transition into winter months.

We wish all we needed to do to prepare for fall was to break out the throw blankets and candles, and buy a decorative gourd or two. But unfortunately, being a homeowner comes with responsibilities. While everything may seem tip-top now, winter storms can bring cold temperatures, power failures, etc., and a little maintenance now will make your life easier later.

White Now, Green Around the Corner

What’s white and turns… let’s say… green. That’s right, Spring!

Spring is HERE and is nothing short of amazing here in Colorado. While you enjoy the change of the season, it’s also a great time to get into spring cleaning. And to get started, we have a perfect year-round home maintenance checklist for you!

Adam Berlin in Littleton, CO on Houzz