Three Places Building Community and Compassion

The holiday season is upon us and it’s time to take stock of what matters most. Faith, community and compassion are the reason for the season. Maverick Home Remodeling, Inc. is just one part of our great community, and we are using this blog as an opportunity to highlight other parts of our community that exemplify the values we believe matter year-round. These places are open to donations or are looking for volunteers. So if you’ve got the time or resources, we encourage you to spread some love this holiday season!

The Winchester Mystery Mansion: A Remodel That Lasted Nearly 40 Years

Angry spirits, a fortune built from death and psychic mediums? The Winchester Mansion is the spookiest remodel of all time, but how does that relate to Maverick Home Remodeling? When you’re thinking about remodeling, it’s crucial to align your intentions, vision and what you are willing to invest. If anybody can teach us something about the intention, vision and investment of remodeling your home, and because it is officially spooky season, we believe that person would have to be Sarah Winchester.

A Kitchen Nightmare On Your Street

Let's creep it real. Kitchens can be a real nightmare to remodel. When you commit to a complete remodel, it usually makes a whole chunk of your house unusable. You might have to live in the basement (or, worse, Elm Street). Since the beginning of the pandemic, home remodels have become all the rage. Staying in is the new going out. Do you believe that people can dream what's going to happen? Because Freddie isn't the only one interested in turning dreams into reality. At Maverick Home Remodeling, we like making your dreams come true. Remodeling dreams; not the kind that requires a crucifix.

Good vs. Bad: What’s The Difference When It Comes To Contractors?

You ever heard of him? This character might have promised top-tier quality that appears sub-par after installation. Maybe the estimated quotes increased significantly… then doubled… then tripled? Is this “quick” remodel past the estimated time? Before you shared details about your upcoming home remodel, you got at least one earful about the capital B - “Bad Contractor.” You’ve undoubtedly heard warnings from friends and family that ranged from cautionary tales to horror stories.

September is the Best Time for Outdoors…

Ah, September. The temperatures are perfect. Days are warm and nights are cool. Leaves are changing. The scenery is beautiful. It’s harvest time with fresh produce abound. Festivals happening across the state every weekend. Football season is here as well as the kickoff to Fall. What a great time to be outdoors in Colorado and at home!

So to help you enjoy what September has to offer, check out these ideas…

Remodeling Your Home: Make Peace, Not War

Not many people know that there is an International Peace Month, let alone that it falls in August. With peace in mind, meditate on increasing the peace in some of our favorite places in our home. Everybody's favorite sanctuary looks a little different depending on their needs. To get your “Ohmmm” on, a little peace and quiet is best reached in your bedroom with some alone time. You might spend time in your bathroom, especially if you enjoy self-care. Maybe your basement gives you the space to Zen-out. We want to talk about the potential for all three spaces.

What Is White, Square, And Better Not Tear?

Have you heard the one about toilet paper? That’s okay. It is “tearable” anyway!

August 26th is National Toilet Paper Day and Maverick intends to celebrate! Indulge us with some swirling thoughts for a moment..

Best Home Remodeling Projects to Leave to the Pros

Ah, DIY projects. Whether it's revamping old kitchen cabinets or upcycling countertops, more and more people are tackling DIY home remodeling projects. While it's nice to get your hands dirty once in a while, there are specific projects that you should leave to the professionals. Here are four of the best home remodeling projects to leave to us, the professionals

Getting Creative With Kaye Puckett

If you’ve worked with us in the past, it is likely that you have met Kaye Puckett - one of the incredible Interior Designers that Maverick Home Remodeling, Inc. had the pleasure to collaborate with. If you haven’t worked with her, we’d love to take a moment to introduce you.

July 4th Maverick Essentials

It’s time to CELEBRATE Independence Day! And after a year of almost no celebrations, the time has come to light up the grill, crack open a beer, watch fireworks, blast Martina McBride’s “Independence Day” and relax!

The Fourth of July is a national holiday we recognize each year to mark America’s Independence Day. It’s the time of year that family and friends come together to share and appreciate the freedoms we have today while also celebrating the love we all share for our country.

Our Maverick Fur Family

Today, June 25th, marks National Take Your Dog to Work Day! And while we can’t have our pups on our job sites, we CAN celebrate all of our Maverick dogs by sharing photos.

But before we all share pictures, we must first share in a laugh at Adam Berlin’s expense!

Celebrate National Home Improvement Month with Maverick!

Recognizing Home Improvement since 2002

Every year since 2002, our industry has celebrated National Home Improvement Month throughout the month of May. The National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI), has led this initiative to celebrate the home remodeling industry while creating an environment to help homeowners find experts to assist them in their very own remodeling journey.

Maverick Behind The Scenes

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of a home remodel? Us too!

Just kidding! We know a thing or two about home remodeling. And when you think that BTS is a film-only thing, think again! A lot goes on behind the scenes of a home remodel and you’d be surprised at how organization, communication and dedication play an incredible role in the success of a home remodeling project. It’s kind of like a movie score.

Featured Remodel #2013 by Project Manager, Paul Moore

We recently wrapped up a home remodeling project in our hometown, Littleton, Colorado. This project was an absolute gem including the homeowners! Not only did the project go smoothly with limited issues, we finished the remodel almost a month earlier than anticipated.

Realistic Construction Timelines | 2021 Edition

It goes without saying, people were VERY ready to kick off 2021! The feeling of a New Year brings about many new opportunities including a reset on the previous year. The ability to make New Year’s Resolutions, or what we like to call, New Year’s Commitments is refreshing. But as we entered 2021, we started feeling the impact of the previous year’s experiences.

1 Sheep 2 Sheep...

One sheep,
two sheep,
three sheep,
four sheep,
five sheep,
six sheep,
seven sheep
more sheep...

Ahhhh sleep. Who doesn’t LOVE a good night's sleep? We certainly do. How about you?


March 22nd, 2021 officially marks the United Nations World Water Day. This year the focus is on the value of water, specifically what water means to each of us as humans that inhabit this beautiful planet of ours. So what a better way to not only talk about how important water is in the home, but how incredibly fortunate we are to live in this beautiful state. Colorado happens to be a headwater state and the origin of four major river basins, which supply water to seventeen downstream states and two countries. Now that’s worth recognizing!

February... A Month of Libations!


plural noun: (because we like more than one!)
a drink poured out as an offering to a deity
“We desire multiple libations while enjoying a well crafted charcuterie board.”

Thanks Google!

Renew The Home, Love The Home

February is known as the month of LOVE, which means we celebrate the rooms people tend to love the most throughout their home. When you think of what people love, you probably think of rooms like the living room or the master bathroom. But sometimes what people love most are the areas of their home that provide the best function. Areas like a laundry room, a mud room, a basement or even a closet. That’s right, people really love a closet! Well, a good closet.

Kitchens. Cabinets. Appliances. OH MY!

There is a reason for our ‘Wizard of Oz’ reference - designing your kitchen can either be a real ride through a tornado or a smooth ride through the clouds on a hot air balloon. Much like Dorothy experienced, following the yellow brick road through your kitchen design really does lead to the Emerald City!

So let’s follow the yellow brick road together!

Adam Berlin in Littleton, CO on Houzz